Fun Walk In Tattoo:::
Kevin Harden YouTube Channel
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How much Energy it takes to make “Clean” Energy. Facts/Reality is like an Ice Bath. Wakes you UP!!
What does it take to make an Electric Car.....
There may be a reason traditional values have lasted for thousands of years.
Mother/Father, Family, Community, Mentors, Religious traditions.
Then vs. Now.
Expanding our knowledge on the origins of life, soul, consciousness.
OHM..... Sound Creates Life
Testimony on Early Treatment - Dr. Peter McCullough testifies
Dr. Peter McCullough testifies at the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee “Pandemic Lessons Learned.”
After 8 hours of bureaucratic reports from public health officials, a familiar theme had emerged in the Texas Senate HHS Committee: where was the data and report on early treatment to prevent hospitalization and death. Government agencies and medical school officials were repeatedly asked that question, and none of them had answers.
Even a data-model expert from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center did not consider early treatment in models to predict hospitalization. This was a stunning revelation as modern estimates have early treatment resulting in a 95% reduction in the risk of hospitalization and death. This means any COVID-19 data model is useless unless it considers whether or not patients receive early therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2.
The formal expert testimony was captioned by Dr. Peter McCullough. It was 17 minutes long and worth every second of your time to watch his comments organized into:
1) early treatment as a community standard of care, 2) vaccine safety, 3) censorship and reprisal for health professionals who go against the official false narrative and provide medical truth through their clinical care, research, and expert analysis.
INFERTILITY- The Diabolical Agenda
Knowledge is power!
Truth will set you Free!
Floatation Pools
Sensory Deprivation
Do you meditate?
imagine meditating in 14 inches of water, heated to the same temperature as your skin.
The water has 1,000 pounds of Epson Salt, allowing you to float on the surface, instead of sink.
Now put in earplugs to block what sound can enter sound proof walls.
The light go out, total darkness.
As your senses take a much needed break from all of the input modern life creates. This space allows you to relax, to think, ponder, remember, recreate, brainstorm, positive affirmations, mentally prepare for upcoming events, recreate past events/traumas, give thanks, Gratitude. Remember mentors, friends, allies, teachers, the lessons passed on to you. Focus. Focus on breathing, your rituals, Processes. Expose weaknesses, and ponder ways to strengthen them.
These and many more benefits come from Floating.
I highly recommend it.
This is a state of the art facility. The most modern pools I have ever seen. An incredible facility, clean, sanitary, inviting.
If you haven’t floated before, give yourself an amazing experience. Take a vacation inward. A moment to reflect and organize your thoughts.
Spread the word.
4007 Old Seward Hwy Suite 1100
Anchorage, AK 99503
We are located in the Galerie North Building on the southeast corner nearest to the University Mall.
Looking Back-- Hindsight is 20/20....... haha 2020.
*** copy Paste to get some REAL NEWS
Tattooing in Alaska.
Video from 2013, When i owned Spenard Tattoo, Spenard- Anchorage Alaska
50 THOMAS SOWELL QUOTES- Our Crazy Current Times
... Too good not to Share. :) Kevin
30 Year Tattoo Anniversary- January 18, 1992 - January 18, 2022
January 18, 2022 -
Today is the 30 year anniversary of the first day I gave a tattoo during my apprenticeship with Temple Drake in Bremerton, Washington. I opened my first studio, Ronin Tattoo Studio in Aurora, Illinois in 1999. My Second shop was Spenard Tattoo in Anchorage, Alaska in 2012. My third Studio was a private space, 2 man tiny studio from 2015-2018. Since then I have been at The Hole Look in Anchorage. Best of both worlds. Private Studio space inside of a busy shop where I can accommodate walk-ins between appointments.
I have also worked in New Jersey, done time in Florida (Fort Meyers & Orlando), a few shops in Illinois. Guest spots all over the place. Tattoo Conventions all over the United Sates, and worked one in Dublin, Ireland. Attended others in London, Barcelona & Prague.
The culture of tattooers and tattooees has changed dramatically in 3 decades. Tattoo “styles” are many with many sub-categories. Minimalism, linear, blackwork, pepper shading- all fun new trends in tattooing. The tech side of tattooing has absolutely exploded- machines and rotary machines, pushed forward with competition amongst builders and manufacturers has given tattooers equipment light years ahead of what I had available 30 years ago. Each new wave of new equipment makes tattooing more fun, precise, more capable, machines that are consistent and reliable.
A big Thank You to all of the thousands of clients that have kept boat afloat this whole time. Giving me an opportunity to create artwork on a near daily basis. The perfect “job” that caters to my drawing style. Thick and thin lines. Heavy Blacks. Simple color blends. Organic, curvy, fluid shapes that flow with the muscles and shapes of the body. Tiny designs to Full Backpieces, each comes with their own set of difficulties, and problem solving, making tattooing a constant never ending puzzle.
I am hoping for 15+ more years ahead of me. I have a ton of personal artwork I would love to get in the skin before I cal it quits.
Kevin Harden
the SEED.....
Here is a quick little sketch I did after watching the movie “Honey Boy”.
Once I heard the quote “a seed has to totally destroy itself to become a flower.” something big clicked in my head. During phases of evaluating my past, present and future. Being in a cocoon phase. Realizing that in order to grow into my potential- it requires the destruction of the past. Conditioning, actions, behaviors, routines, limiting thoughts. Rewriting history. Observing events through the lens of an adult. Reinterpreting past events and creating new emotional reactions to those events.
So I felt like this idea needed to be brought to life.
• 18 inch wood precut circle.
• Pencilled line drawing
• Inked with Tombow Fudenosuke black pen
• Painted with combo of FW Liquid Acrylic Ink and AlphaKrylic Acrylic Paints
• Re inked with FW Liquid Acrylic Black Ink
• Sprayed with Krylon Matte Clear Coat.
Enjoy. :)
Brown Paper Sketches--
Hi there,
This year I skipped Inktober. Inktober is a 30 Day inking Challenge started over 10 years ago by Jake Parker. Since I got off Social Media (IG, Facebook) in January of this year for a variety of reasons. Posting daily and hash tagging has been a big part of the Inktober experience. But at the end of the day, the core purpose is the 30 day challenge. Choose a skill you want to improved and do it every day for 30 days. After blowing off October, this month brought on some much needed down time. As a tattooer, things naturally slow down in the winter/holiday season each year.
I didn’t really intend to commit to a 30 day challenge. But I did find myself wanting to create something bite sized each day. Creating Sketches and Artwork that has no “marketable” end game. Just create to create. Free-flowing subconscious scribbling, that after enough tinkering, rendering, crafting - turns into a fleshed out design. Slap a little paint in the Hollow Spots, and outline— VIOLA!! Done for the day! Hope you enjoy looking at these. I know I get a ton of satisfaction and Joy from doing these. It has taken me years to be able to relax, and just create for no other reason than to just make cool stuff I want to see in the world.
Kevin Harden
November 2021-- Tattoo Gallery Update
I took some much needed time off. Using this time to crop and edit a pile of tattoo photos that have been piling up for 2 years. I just added a second Portfolio Gallery. It is fun to see all the faces, tattoo ideas, and remember hundreds of hours of “chair time”, sharing stories, current events, highs and lows.
I hope you have a great Holiday season 2021 and a Happy New Year!!!!
Kevin Harden
New Stickers Coming Soon!!
2 new stickers Designs. Limited print run. Here is a process shot from Super Rough sketch to clean Lineart to Finished with Digital Colors. They will be Hot off the press by next week. (October 10, 2021). These are Free giveaways for my Tattoo Collectors to take home, show support on water bottles, helmets, cars, bikes, snowboards, skis, Thules, Power Boxes, Poles, garbage cans….. whatever creative place you can SLAP one!!! :)
Kevin Harden
7 RULES for Creative People
I’m not sure if this is Blog appropriate etiquette, copying and pasting someone else’s work into this box. The link is a form of acknowledgement, to the author as well as the artists interviewed. It will hopefully bring few more clicks in their directions.
Morning Rituals, Flow State, Deep Work, Subconscious Meditative Drawing::: call it what you will. Getting up early, grabbing a cup of tea, and making marks on paper has been a fun ritual for some time. Warmups, scribbling, doodling, sketching, thumbnails—- more titles for free flow creativity.
I love the concept of Output before Input!!!
Jacque Fresco- Future by Design
Here is a link to my Favorite Documentary.
Jacque Fresco’s vision of the potential of Earths future.